Monday, April 12, 2010

New Name & New Concentration

You may notice that with this posting, I have changed the name from "iPhone Perspectives" to "iGadget Perspectives." The reason is simple: Apple's extension of the iPod to the iPhone to the iPad demonstrates the company is placing increased emphasis on edge devices in their product portfolio. The indication is Apple will be extending this portfolio even further in the future and will be expanding horizontally to fill in perceived gaps among their various existing products. As a result, the blog's name seemed somewhat limiting.

With the emphasis placed firmly on anything "i" from Apple, I believe the analysis of this market space will be better served. This allows the writer to delve into other aspects of the Apple ecosystem as those aspects impact the edge device.

So, on with the show.

p.s.: This was typed out on an iPad at about the same speed it would have been typed on a full-sized laptop or desktop computer keyboard. But, more about that later. wwc

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