Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Pixel Isn't Dead After All

I had written previously that I had discovered a dead pixel on my iPhone screen. In discussions with my son--who also happens to have an iPhone--we discovered that it is actually a speck of dust that has gotten underneath the screen's glass. When looked at from an angle, the speck moves in relation to the screen (a dead pixel would not do so) and if there is a light background, the bottom of the speck will actually glow from the screen's light.

This then brings up two additional questions: 1) how can the screen be sealed so as not to allow dust to accumulate beneath the glass; and 2) is there any way to remove the dust from underneath the screen short of taking the iPhone apart (which is sure to end up adding more dust instead of removing it--no electronic clean rooms at my house).

Any ideas anyone?

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