Tuesday, September 25, 2007

iPhone Sync Problems on Windows

Has anyone had the problem of duplicate calendar items when syncing with Windows? In have noticed the problem several times. It is definitely seen when a new version of iTunes is installed. My guess is the preferences get messed-up somehow. However, even when the preferences are reset correctly, the problem persists.

When I sync, I will get an error message that I have conflicting entries and iTunes then wants to take me through a process to resolve the conflicts. However, regardless of whether I have Outlook overlay iPhone or iPhone overlay Outlook, I end up with "phantom" additional entries on the iPhone Calendar application. The usual situation is when I have changed the title of an appointment by adding "DONE" at the front (so I keep a record of meetings I have actually attended), I will end up with a conflict message. When the message is resolved--overlaying either way--I will end up with the original appointment and the "DONE" appointment. If I then delete the incorrect appointment, the next time I sync, I will get the conflict again and the loop repeats.

I have also turned off syncing with Outlook's calendar and this does not seem to have an effect. I still get the conflicts and the duplicate issue.

I mention this because when you only have a few week's information in Calendar, it is no big deal. Having information dating back to July becomes a very big deal and causes a major drop in productivity.

1 comment:

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